Dr. Chapman’s book, The Leader’s Code, forms the foundation of our development processes.

We often receive requests from our clients and friends for other book recommendations to continue their professional development. As part of our own company culture, KC&A encourages associates to read regularly for personal and  professional development. If a client is interested in a recommendation for books about a specific workplace topic, we will gladly respond to such a request with customized suggestions. However, for some general recommendations see the list below:

The Social Animal  by David Brooks

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

We Were Soldiers Once… And Young    by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore & Joseph L. Galloway

How Remarkable Women Lead  by Joanna Barsh & Susie Cranston

It’s Your Ship  by Capt. Michael Abrashoff

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller

Presence by Amy Cuddy