Brain Chatter Podcast

Episode 2: 8 Questions That Build Trust & Engagement

8 Questions That Build Trust & Engagement is approximately 14 minutes long and is an episode that explores eight key questions that any of us can actively ask to build engagement and earn trust. In the episode, the case is made for each question, and examples are given and background information. The questions are: What do you think?Can you tell me more?Will you share your ideas?How can I be more helpful to you?Is there anything that has been on your mind lately related to our work?…

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Episode 1: Debunking The Myth That Leaders Are Born

Whitney Tate tackles the perplexing myth that leaders are born, and not developed. She takes a look at all the negative and damaging implications for individuals and for organizations who operate under the assumption that people are either ‘naturally born leaders’ or ‘not.’ Where does this come from? When people are asked to identify a leader they admire, why is a distant celebrity so often a response, instead of a leader they know personally who lives next door? Is the myth perpetuated by mo…

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Brain Chatter

Effective leadership in our daily life and work requires each of us to wisely sort through a tremendous amount of ‘daily noise.’ We all want to become better at hearing and processing what matters and hear past what doesn’t, without disruption or derailment. Brain Chatter is a series of interviews with organizational leaders on the front lines of leadership who are skilled at doing just that. These are leaders who lead themselves, their teams, and their organizations with clarity. In each episode one of them offers their insights into what works and what doesn’t. Among the front line leaders interviewed are general managers of manufacturing plants, HR directors, supervisors, company executives, nonprofit CEOs, consultants, and individuals with no titles, but lots of influence.


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